Advanced Hydroponics

In 1993, Jay Jackson, founder and current Director of Advanced Hydroponics of Holland, was committed to finding an alternative to the then available fertilizers that he and many other growers had been using. Jay searched for a formula that would combine: easy use, high efficiency, and competitive pricing. In order to obtain the solution, Jay went to the experts at the “Dutch Flower Nutrient Research Center” in the Dutch city of Aalsmeer. To make the use as simple as possible, it was necessary to present the components in a way that allows easy mixing, so that any grower can easily adjust the volumes of the most necessary nutrients according to their needs. So, Dutch Formula was born! It is a liquid fertilizer consisting of three components which are to be mixed in an easy ratio of: 2:1:1 in the growing period, 1:2:1 in the pre-flowering period, and finally 0:3:1 in the period of full bloom. At first, the fertilizers were tested by Jay together with many of his fellow growers. The results were OUTSTANDING ! These results were not possible with the former fertilizers. Once perfected, the retail shop was started. In 1996, the Dutch Formula was presented at a trade show in Germany and the superior quality of Dutch Formula fertilizers together with growing demand led to the start of the wholesale business throughout all of Europe.

The Dutch Formula line was soon expanded by a 100% all natural line of “Natural Power” which included a “Root Stimulator”, enzymatic supplement called “Enzymes”, a GrowthBloom Stimulator called “Excellerator”, and finally a product for maturing called “Final”.

Advanced Hydroponics of Holland

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